consulting home constituent relationship management project management change management & training software for risk management customizations business prospect research budgeting reporting contact us Software for risk management An understanding of risk and the application of risk assessment methodology is essential to being able
to efficiently and effectively create a secure computing environment. Unfortunately, this is still a
challenging area for information professionals due to the rate of change in technology, the relatively
recent advent and explosive growth of the Internet,and perhaps the prevalence of the attitude
(or reality) that assessing risk and identifying return on investment is simply too hard to do. This has
kept information systems and information systems security in the undesirable position of being unable
to systematically identify and monetarily quantify security risks. This in turn has led to inconsistent and
inappropriate applications of security solutions as well as either excessive or insufficient funding for
such activities. The issue of risk with respect to modern information systems and seeks to answer the
following questions:
1) What is risk with respect to information systems?
2) What are the key elements of information security risk?
3) Why is an understanding of risk important?
4) What are the key elements of a risk assessment?
5) What are some of the common risk assessment methodologies?